Harold T. Stokes
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah 84602
Cell: 801-372-3561
E-mail: stokesh@byu.edu
B.S. in physics, Brigham Young University, 1971
Ph.D. in physics, University of Utah, 1977
1977-1978, Post-Doctoral Fellow at University of Utah
1978-1981, Post-Doctoral Fellow at University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana
1981-2013, Faculty at Brigham Young University
How I lost 50 pounds
Teaching resources which I and my colleagues
have developed for the courses I teach:
Textbooks which I
have written for solid state physics courses.
Current research interests
Phase transitions in solids
I have been
applying group-theoretical methods to the study of transitions between
crystalline phases in solids.
I started this project in 1983 in collaboration with Professor
Dorian M. Hatch. Our collaboration lasted 24 years (until 2007),
resulting in 48 jointly-authored papers in refereed journals.
In addition, we published a major reference work, Isotropy
Subgroups of the 230 Crystallographic Space Groups, and played a
major role in preparing the 1993 English edition of the Russian
reference work,
Representations of the Crystallographic Space Groups, by
O. V. Kovalev. One of the major successes of our work has been the
establishment of a large data base and the implementation
of computer algorithms to carry out the
group-theoretical computations in a wide variety of cases. Since
about 2006, I have continued this research in collaboration with Dr.
Branton J. Campbell. Together, we have developed a new internet tool,
ISODISTORT, which includes interactive
Papers and Talks
Papers published in refereed journals
Invited papers at scientific meetings
Contributed papers at scientific meetings
Workshops at scientific meetings
Papers published in unrefereed online