
(most recent first)

10. B. J. Campbell and H. T. Stokes, International School of Crystallography: Magnetic Crystallography, Erice, Sicily, Italy, June 2019.

9. B. J. Campbell and H. T. Stokes, "New Capabilities and Applications of the ISODISTORT Software," Software Fayre, 24th Congress of the International Union of Crystallography, Hyderabad, India, August 2017.

8. B. J. Campbell and H. T. Stokes, Trends in Magnetic Structure Determination, Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France, December 2016.

7. B. J. Campbell and H. T. Stokes, "Exploring Structural Distortions with ISODISTORT," 23rd Congress of the International Union of Crystallography, Montreal, Canada, August 2014.

6. B. J. Campbell and H. T. Stokes, "ISODISTORT," Software Fayre, XXII Congress of the International Union of Crystallography, Madrid Spain, August 2011.

5. B. Campbell, M. Perez-Mato, and H. Stokes, "Symmetry-Mode Analysis," Annual Meeting of the American Crystallography Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, May 2011.

4. H. T. Stokes, "ISODISPLACE: Software Designed for Interactively Computing and Exploring Structural Distortions," International School on the Use and Applications of the Bilbao Crystallographic Server, Lekeitio, Spain, June 2009.

3. H. T. Stokes and B. Campbell, "ISODISPLACE: Designed for Interactively Computing and Exploring Structural Distortions," Software Fayre, XXI Congress of the International Union of Crystallography, Osaka, Japan, August 2008.

2. H. T. Stokes and B. Campbell, "A New GUI for the ISOTROPY Software Package Designed Especially for Computing Structural Distortions," Compter Fayre, XX Congress of the International Union of Crystallography, Florence, Italy, August 2005.

1. F. C. Andersen and H. T. Stokes, "Walk-In Laboratories for Introductory Physics," Workshop, National Meeting of the American Association of Physics Teachers, Salt Lake City, Utah, August 2005.