Animation of Polarization of Light

This animation shows the polarization of light as it passes through various optical elements: polarizer, quarter-wave plate, and half-wave plate. The vectors represent the electric field in an electromagnetic wave such as light.

The program recognizes the following commands:
plate_1 Select plate 1 so that the buttons along the bottom refer plate 1. The button turns red, indicating that plate 1 has been selected.
plate_2 Plate 2 appears on the screen and is selected so that the buttons along the bottom refer to plate 2. The button turns red, indicating that plate 2 has been selected. Clicking on plate_2 again removes plate 2 from the screen.
plate_3 Plate 3 appears on the screen and is selected so that the buttons along the bottom refer to plate 3. The button turns red, indicating that plate 3 has been selected. Clicking on plate_3 again removes plate 3 from the screen.
rotate_+ Rotates the selected plate by 5 degrees counterclockwise.
rotate_- Rotates the selected plate by 5 degrees clockwise.
polarizer Changes the selected plate to a polarizer. The red line is the axis of transmission.
quarter Changes the selected plate to a quarter-wave plate. The red line is the fast axis.
half Changes the selected plate to a half-wave plate. The red line is the fast axis.
x,y Displays the x and y components of the electric field vectors. Clicking on x,y again removes the components.
highlight Highlights an electric field vector at a fixed location in the area following the selected plate.